Is there an idea you've been wanting to share or a concern you've been meaning to raise with your community? Making a proposition on the platform is a great way of connecting with other users and inspiring change in your community. And if your proposition is popular with other users, it will be opened as a discussion for everyone to participate in! (Read up on discussions here)
Please note that community administrators need to enable propositions on their site in order for users to create and participate in them.
Where do I find the propositions?
You can easily access the propositions from your community's homepage.
1. Go to the community homepage
2. and select 'your propositions' on the grey sidebar menu. Here you can find an overview of all the propositions users have brought to the community.
How can I interact with a proposition?
There's no need for you to make a proposition yourself to play a part in bringing about change - it's just as important to support the propositions you agree with!
1. Explore the ideas that other users had for the community. You can easily find the propositions you're most interested in by filtering them:
- by theme (Read up on themes here)
- by most popular or newest added
- or searching them by keyword
2. Users can upvote propositions to show that they agree with an idea or a suggestion. Once a proposition receives enough support (50 upvotes by default), the proposition will be opened as a discussion for all users to participate in.
Users cannot comment on propositions; adding a comment only becomes an option after a proposition has been opened as a discussion. That's why it's important for you to upvote the propositions that you'd like to engage in a dialogue on!
3. As an administrator, you can also reply to propositions. This shows the users that their input is valued and considered by their community; you can explain that a similar project to the one suggested is already under way or that the budget doesn't allow for its implementation, for example - or simply encourage a good idea! To add a reply, click 'answer' next to the 'upvote' button underneath a proposition (only visible to admins).
Administrators can also add themes to propositions as a way of organising them and helping users to better navigate them.
Here's how you make a proposition:
1. Log in to your Civocracy account and go to the community homepage.
If you're already a follower of the community, you can easily access its homepage via your profile. Otherwise, enter the community's name into the search box - and don't forget to follow to it to get the latest news and updates!
Once you're on the community's homepage, click on 'your propositions', which is located on the grey sidebar menu on the left side.
2. Write your proposition
You can then add a proposition by typing your idea into the text box at the top of the page.
Civocracy makes propositions quick and easy to understand by giving you a list of options of how to open them, making the intention behind your proposition clear at first glance (whether it's pointing out a problem, posing a question, sharing an idea...). Click on the arrow in the left text box to view the options and select an opener that best reflects the tone of your proposition (for example, 'I have an idea!', 'how can we'...).
You also get the option of adding up to 2 themes to your proposition in order to help users filter through them. Click on the arrow next to the 'choose a theme' box and select one or two themes that best describe the categories your proposition falls into.
3. Ready to introduce your idea? Click 'propose' to publish your proposition on the site.
4. Now it's all about bringing your idea to life. Share your proposition on social networks to get more support!
While you're here, read up on what discussions are and how to create them!
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