During concertations all users are expressly invited to share their thoughts and to engage in an active exchange with the other users by adding comments. This means that concertations can become rather lengthy, making it at tricky at times to navigate them.
To allow users and administrators to see at a glance which ideas and terms are mentioned the most in a concertation, a list of top keywords is automatically generated as the exchange evolves. This way you can quickly discern the dominant theme(s) and direction of a concertation or filter it by keywords to find the contributions that you're most interested in.
What are 'Top Keywords'?
Words that both reflect a broader concept or idea and are most frequently used in the contributions are listed as 'top keywords' on the right-side of the concertation page.
When you post a comment to a concertation, keywords are automatically detected using a semantic analysis algorithm.
How do I filter by keywords?
- Go to the concertation page by clicking 'participate' at the bottom of their introduction pages. Here you will see a list of the top keywords displayed on the right side of the page, ranked by usage.
- Click on the keyword that you'd like to filter the contributions by. Only the comments that use the selected keyword will be shown.
How do I delete a keyword?
If you are an administrator of the platform, you can delete keywords when they are not relevant to the topic discussed. Simply click on the 3 dots that appear next to the keyword when you hover your mouse over it.
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