What is an outcome?
Administrators have the option of posting outcomes to the discussion and consultation pages after they have closed and sending them by email.
This feature allows administrators to show the users what impact their exchange of ideas has had: users want to know what their community took away from the discussions and/or consultations and what actions will be taken to implement their ideas! Whether it's sharing your analysis of the consultation, the transcript of a related press conference or the start date of a new project...
To read the outcomes:
1. Go to your discussion or consultation information page
2. and click on 'participate'. You will find the outcomes in the section at the top of the page.
To edit outcomes:
Once a consultation or discussion is completed, administrators can post outcomes.
1. Go to the introduction page of the consultation or discussion.
2. Click on the blue 'Edit' button in the top-right corner of the page.
3. Once on the edit page, scroll down to the 'Outcomes' text box. Here you can:
- write an outcome, letting the users know what your next steps will be.
- insert a picture, video or link
- upload a file
4. Under 'Share the outcome', you can publish it on the page of the consultation or discussion or send it by email to the followers of the consultation or discussion.
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